Cloud migration Steps

Once the organisation has decided to do cloud migration you can refer below framework / methodology to proceed with the migration

MRA ( Migration Readiness Assessment) ->  MRP ( Migration Readiness & Planning) -> Migration and Operation

Apply CAF ( AWS Cloud Adoption Framework to above)

CAF is AWS learning with all its customer to understanding what has worked , can be improved
and given comprehensive approach .

It identifies and focus areas that are critical to cloud adoption.

MRA is: (Helps you assess Org capabilities, readiness and commitment to migrate to cloud )

Rapid Discovery

Directional Business Use Case - high level calculation of potential cost saving & increase business agility associated with the aws migration

MRP: ( build capabilities to migrate to & Operate to in cloud)
OUTPUT is - detail migration plan is build

Discovery and planning,  -  Define app patterns and planning , get backlog

Landing Zone ,  - Foundation AWS infrastructure e.g. A/c structure, vpc

Migration Experience -  staring migration app pattern, test validate and learn pattern

Skills /CoE - cloud expertise in ares like IT, security and business, what roles and tooling required

Migration Use Case, Detail TCO  total cost of ownership modeling including cost of migration. It looks at business value assessment and option to optimize once the app are migrated to Cloud

Migration Plan -  project plan, change management, communication plan

Operating Model - developing  ope run book, monitoring, logging provisional and conifg management. additionally BCP and DR

Security and Compliance - governance and risk models, security response play book.

Migration and Operation ( work of building the foundation capabilities)

migrate->integrate-> Test-> transfer->monitor->Optimize

MRA based on AWS CAF ( Cloud Adoption Framework)

CAF had 6 perspectives

business capabilities Focused -  Business (Value realisation) //People/(Roles and readiness) / Governance (Prioritization & Control)

technology Capability Focused: Platform ( Application & Infrastructure) / Security ( Risk & Compliance)/ Operations ( Hybrid & Dynamic)

Application Migration Startgeies ( 6R's)


Migration Tools and Programs

Integrated discovery tool
   AWS discovery connectors
   AWS discovery agents

Migration Tools
   AWS database migration service
   AWS server migration service
   ATDATA ATMotion
 CloudEndure Live MIgration

dashboard to track migration


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