Cloud Architecture Notes

The architectural priorities and needs of every app are different, but the four pillars of architecture are an excellent guidepost you can use to make sure that you have given enough attention to every aspect of your application:
  • Security: Safeguarding access and data integrity and meeting regulatory requirements
  • Performance and scalability: Efficiently meeting demand in every scenario
  • Availability and recoverability: Minimizing downtime and avoiding permanent data loss
  • Efficiency and operations: Maximizing maintainability and ensuring requirements are met with monitoring

A layered approach to security

Defense in depth is a strategy that employs a series of mechanisms to slow the advance of an attack aimed at acquiring unauthorized access to information

The common principles used to define a security posture are confidentiality, integrity, and availability, known collectively as CIA.
  • Confidentiality - Principle of least privilege. Restricts access to information only to individuals explicitly granted access. This information includes protection of user passwords, remote access certificates, and email content.
  • Integrity - The prevention of unauthorized changes to information at rest or in transit. A common approach used in data transmission is for the sender to create a unique fingerprint of the data using a one-way hashing algorithm. The hash is sent to the receiver along with the data. The data's hash is recalculated and compared to the original by the receiver to ensure the data wasn't lost or modified in transit.
  • Availability - Ensure services are available to authorized users. Denial of service attacks are a prevalent cause of loss of availability to users. Natural disasters also drive system design to prevent single points of failure and deploy multiple instances of an application to geo-dispersed locations
Defense in depth can be visualized as a set of concentric rings, with the data to be secured at the center. Each ring adds an additional layer of security around the data. This approach removes reliance on any single layer of protection and acts to slow down an attack and provide alert telemetry that can be acted upon, either automatically or manually. Let's take a look at each of the layers.
An illustration showing Defense in depth with Data at the center. The rings of security around data are: application, compute, network, perimeter, identity and access, and physical security.


In almost all cases, attackers are after data:
  • Stored in a database
  • Stored on disk inside virtual machines
  • Stored on a SaaS application such as Office 365
  • Stored in cloud storage
It's the responsibility of those storing and controlling access to data to ensure that it's properly secured. Often there are regulatory requirements that dictate the controls and processes that must be in place to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data.


  • Ensure applications are secure and free of vulnerabilities
  • Store sensitive application secrets in a secure storage medium
  • Make security a design requirement for all application development
Integrating security into the application development life cycle will help reduce the number of vulnerabilities introduced in code. Encourage all development teams to ensure their applications are secure by default. Make security requirements non-negotiable.


  • Secure access to virtual machines
  • Implement endpoint protection and keep systems patched and current
Malware, unpatched systems, and improperly secured systems open your environment to attacks. The focus in this layer is on making sure your compute resources are secure, and that you have the proper controls in place to minimize security issues.


  • Limit communication between resources through segmentation and access controls
  • Deny by default
  • Restrict inbound internet access and limit outbound where appropriate
  • Implement secure connectivity to on-premises networks
At this layer, the focus is on limiting the network connectivity across all your resources to only allow what is required. Segment your resources and use network level controls to restrict communication to only what is needed. By limiting this communication, you reduce the risk of lateral movement throughout your network.


  • Use distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) protection to filter large-scale attacks before they can cause a denial of service for end users
  • Use perimeter firewalls to identify and alert on malicious attacks against your network
At the network perimeter, it's about protecting from network-based attacks against your resources. Identifying these attacks, eliminating their impact, and alerting on them is important to keep your network secure.

Policies & access

  • Control access to infrastructure, change control
  • Use single sign-on and multi-factor authentication
  • Audit events and changes
The policy & access layer is all about ensuring identities are secure, and that access granted is only what is needed, and changes are logged.

Physical security

  • Physical building security and controlling access to computing hardware within the data center is the first line of defense.
With physical security, the intent is to provide physical safeguards against access to assets. This ensures that other layers can't be bypassed, and loss or theft is handled appropriately.
Each layer can implement one or more of the CIA concerns.
1DataData encryption at rest in Azure blob storageIntegrity
2ApplicationSSL/TLS encrypted sessionsIntegrity
3ComputeRegularly apply OS and layered software patchesAvailability
4NetworkNetwork security rulesConfidentiality
5PerimeterDDoS protectionAvailability
6Policies & AccessAzure Active Directory user authenticationIntegrity
7Physical SecurityAzure data center biometric access controlsConfidentiality

Infrastructure protection

To ensure the availability and integrity of infrastructure, it's important to properly secure your infrastructure. Properly using features such as RBAC and managed identities will help protect your Azure environment from unauthorized or unintended access, and will enhance the identity security capabilities in your architecture.

Identify and classify data

Data classificationExplanationExamples
RestrictedData classified as restricted poses significant risk if exposed, altered, or deleted. Strong levels of protection are required for this data.Data containing Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, personal health records
PrivateData classified as private poses moderate risk if exposed, altered, or deleted. Reasonable levels of protection are required for this data. Data that is not classified as restricted or public will be classified as private.Personal records containing information such as address, phone number, academic records, customer purchase records
PublicData classified as public poses no risk if exposed, altered, or deleted. No protection is required for this data.Public financial reports, public policies, product documentation for customers

Encrypting raw storage

With this feature, the Azure storage platform automatically encrypts your data before persisting it to Azure Managed Disks, Azure Blob storage, Azure Files, or Azure Queue storage, and decrypts the data before retrieval. The handling of encryption, encryption at rest, decryption, and key management in Storage Service Encryption is transparent to applications using the services

Encrypting virtual machines

but how do you protect the virtual hard disks (VHD) of virtual machines?
Azure Disk Encryption (ADE) is a capability that helps you encrypt your Windows and Linux IaaS virtual machine disks. ADE leverages the industry standard BitLocker feature of Windows and the DM-Crypt feature of Linux to provide volume encryption for the OS and data disks. The solution is integrated with Azure Key Vault to help you control and manage the disk-encryption keys and secrets (and you can use managed identity for Azure services for accessing the key vault).

Encrypting databases

Transparent data encryption (TDE) helps protect Azure SQL Database and Azure Data Warehouse against the threat of malicious activity. It performs real-time encryption and decryption of the database, associated backups, and transaction log files at rest without requiring changes to the application. By default, TDE is enabled for all newly deployed Azure SQL Databases.
TDE encrypts the storage of an entire database by using a symmetric key called the database encryption key. By default, Azure provides a unique encryption key per logical SQL Server and handles all the details. Bring-your-own-key is also supported with keys stored in Azure Key Vault

Encrypting secrets

Azure Key Vault is a cloud service that works as a secure secrets store. Key Vault allows you to create multiple secure containers, called vaults. These vaults are backed by hardware security modules (HSMs). Vaults help reduce the chances of accidental loss of security information by centralizing the storage of application secrets. Key Vaults also control and log the access to anything stored in them. Azure Key Vault can handle requesting and renewing Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates, providing the features required for a robust certificate lifecycle management solution. Key Vault is designed to support any type of secret. These secrets could be passwords, database credentials, API keys and, certificates

A layered approach to network security

Internet protection

Azure Security Center is a great place to look for this information, as it will identify internet-facing resources that don't have network security groups (NSG) associated with them, as well as resources that are not secured behind a firewall.
To provide inbound protection at the perimeter, there are a couple of ways to do this. Application Gateway is a Layer 7 load balancer that also includes a web application firewall (WAF) to provide advanced security for your HTTP-based services. The WAF is based on rules from the OWASP 3.0 or 2.2.9 core rule sets, and provides protection from commonly-known vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting and SQL injection.

For protection of non-HTTP-based services or for increased customization, network virtual appliances (NVA) can be used to secure your network resources.
Any resource exposed to the internet is at risk of being attacked by a denial-of-service attack. These types of attacks attempt to overwhelm a network resource by sending so many requests that the resource becomes slow or unresponsive. To mitigate these attacks, Azure DDoS provides basic protection across all Azure services and enhanced protection for further customization for your resources. DDoS protection blocks attack traffic and forwards the remaining traffic to its intended destination. Within a few minutes of attack detection, you are notified using Azure Monitor metrics

Virtual network security

Once inside a virtual network (VNet), it's important to limit communication between resources to only what is required.
For communication between virtual machines, network security groups (NSG) are a critical piece to restrict unnecessary communication. NSGs operate at layers 3 & 4, and provide a list of allowed and denied communication to and from network interfaces and subnets. NSGs are fully customizable, and give you the ability to fully lock down network communication to and from your virtual machines. By using NSGs, you can isolate applications between environments, tiers, and services.

scaling and


We've established that the load on an application will vary over time. This may be due to the number of active or concurrent users and the activities being performed. While we could use autoscaling to add capacity, we could also use a throttling mechanism to limit the number of requests from a source. We can safeguard performance limits by putting known limits into place at the application level, preventing the application from breaking. Throttling is most frequently used in applications exposing API endpoints.
Once the application has identified that it would breach a limit, throttling could begin and ensure the overall system SLA isn't breached. For example, if we exposed an API for customers to get data, we could limit the number of requests to 100 per minute. If any single customer exceeded this limit, we could respond with an HTTP 429 status code, including the wait time before another request can successfully be submitted

The importance of network latency

Latency is a measure of delay. Network latency is the time needed to get from a source to a destination across some network infrastructure. This time period is commonly known as a round-trip delay, or the time taken to get from the source to destination and back again

Latency between Azure resources

Imagine that Lamna Healthcare is piloting a new patient booking system running on several web servers and a database in the West Europe Azure region. This architecture minimizes the data time on the wire as resources are co-located inside an Azure region.
Suppose that the pilot of the system went well and has been expanded to users in Australia. Users in Australia will incur the round-trip time to the resources in West Europe to view the website, and their end-user experience will be poor due to the network latency.
The Lamna Healthcare team decide to host another front-end instance in the Australia East region to reduce user latency. While this design helps reduce the time for the web server to return content to end users, their experience is still poor since there's significant latency communicating between the front-end web servers in Australia East and the database in West Europe.
There are a few ways we could reduce the remaining latency:
  • Create a read-replica of the database in Australia East. This would allow reads to perform well, but writes would still incur latency. Azure SQL Database geo-replication allows for read-replicas.
  • Sync your data between regions with Azure SQL Data Sync.
  • Use a globally distributed database such as Azure Cosmos DB. This would allow both reads and writes to occur regardless of location, but may require changes to the way your application stores and references data.
  • Use caching technology such as Azure Cache for Redis to minimize high-latency calls to remote databases for frequently accessed data.
The goal here is to minimize the network latency between each layer of the application. How this is solved depends on your application and data architecture, but Azure provides mechanisms to solve this on several services.

Latency between users and Azure resources

We've looked at the latency between our Azure resources, but we should also consider the latency between users and our cloud application. We're looking to optimize delivery of the front end-user interface to our users. Let's take a look at some ways to improve the network performance between end users and the application.

Use a DNS load balancer for endpoint path optimization

In the Lamna Healthcare example, we saw that the team created an additional web front-end node in Australia East. However, end users have to explicitly specify which front-end endpoint they want to use. As the designer of a solution, Lamna Healthcare wants to make the experience as smooth as possible for their users.
Azure Traffic Manager could help. Traffic Manager is a DNS-based load balancer that enables you to distribute traffic within and across Azure regions. Rather than having the user browse to a specific instance of our web front end, Traffic Manager can route users based upon a set of characteristics:
  • Priority - You specify an ordered list of front-end instances. If the one with the highest priority is unavailable, Traffic Manager will route the user to the next available instance.
  • Weighted - You would set a weight against each front-end instance. Traffic Manager then distributes traffic according to those defined ratios.
  • Performance - Traffic Manager routes users to the closest front-end instance based on network latency.
  • Geographic - You could set up geographical regions for front-end deployments, routing your users based upon data sovereignty mandates or localization of content.
Traffic Manager profiles can also be nested. You could first route your users across different geographies (for example, Europe and Australia) using geographic routing and then route them to local front-end deployments using the performance routing method.
Consider that Lamna Healthcare has deployed a web front end in West Europe and Australia. Assume they have deployed Azure SQL Database with their primary deployment in West Europe, and a read replica in Australia East. Let's also assume the application can connect to the local SQL instance for read queries.
The team deploy a Traffic Manager instance in performance mode and add the two front-end instances as Traffic Manager profiles. As an end user, you navigate to a custom domain name (for example, which routes to Traffic Manager. Traffic Manager then returns the DNS name of the West Europe or Australia East front end based on the best network latency performance.
It's important to note that this load balancing is only handled via DNS, there's no inline load balancing or caching that's happening here, Traffic Manager is simply returning the DNS name of the closest front end to the user.

Use CDN to cache content close to users

The website will likely be using some form of static content (either whole pages or assets such as images and videos). This content could be delivered to users faster by using a content delivery network (CDN) such as Azure CDN.
When Lamna deploys content to Azure CDN, those items are copied to multiple servers around the globe. Let's say one of those items is a video served from blob storage: HowToCompleteYourBillingForms.MP4. The team then configure the website so that each user's link to the video will actually reference the CDN edge server nearest them, rather than referencing blob storage. This approach puts content closer to the destination, reducing latency and improving user experience. The following illustration shows how using Azure CDN puts content closer to the destination which reduces latency and improves the user experience.
An illustration showing usage of Azure content delivery network to reduce latency.
Content delivery networks can also be used to host cached dynamic content. Extra consideration is required, though, since cached content may be out of date compared with the source. Context expiration can be controlled by setting a time to live (TTL). If the TTL is too high, out-of-date content may be displayed and the cache would need to be purged.
One way to handle cached content is with a feature called dynamic site acceleration, which can increase performance of webpages with dynamic content. Dynamic site acceleration can also provide a low-latency path to additional services in your solution (for example, an API endpoint).

Use ExpressRoute for connectivity from on-premises to Azure

Optimizing network connectivity from your on-premises environment to Azure is also important. For users connecting to applications, whether they're hosted on virtual machines or on PaaS offerings like Azure App Service, you'll want to ensure they have the best connection to your applications.
You can always use the public internet to connect users to your services, but internet performance can vary and may be impacted by outside issues. On top of that, you may not want to expose all of your services over the internet, and you may want a private connection to your Azure resources.
Site-to-site VPN over the internet is also an option, but for high throughput architectures, VPN overhead and internet variability can increase latency noticeably.
Azure ExpressRoute can help. ExpressRoute is a private, dedicated connection between your network and Azure, giving you guaranteed performance and ensuring that your end users have the best path to all of your Azure resources. The following illustration shows how ExpressRoute Circuit provides connectivity between on-premises applications and Azure resources.


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