Display Member Names from WCM on jsp file
Following is a very simple example of using wcp api. Especially for beginners
Step 1: Create Porlet project. e.g. Using portlet feature of RAD 8.0
Step 2: Create Portlet and and a jsp file which will use the wcm api to fetch all the member names.
Step3: jsp file will contain wcm related code lines like follows which is self explanatory: i.e. use jndi to have lookup for the service ( its a common way of getting any service may be PUMA, etc ) and use it.
NOTE: in order to avoid the compilation error for wcm api, the jar (ilwwcm-api.jar ) has to be in classpath of project.
new InitialContext();
Step 4: doView() method will have code as follows which will redirect page to respective jsp.
Step 5: Export war file from your IDE and import on portal page. Select the the portlet for the page on manage pages option of portal.
Step 6 : click the page created on portal and see the output.
Step 1: Create Porlet project. e.g. Using portlet feature of RAD 8.0
Step 2: Create Portlet and and a jsp file which will use the wcm api to fetch all the member names.
Step3: jsp file will contain wcm related code lines like follows which is self explanatory: i.e. use jndi to have lookup for the service ( its a common way of getting any service may be PUMA, etc ) and use it.
NOTE: in order to avoid the compilation error for wcm api, the jar (ilwwcm-api.jar ) has to be in classpath of project.
new InitialContext();
WebContentService webContentService = (WebContentService) ctx.lookup("mywcm.jsp");
Workspace workspace = webContentService.getRepository().getWorkspace("portal:service/wcm/WebContentService");"XXX","YYY");
Workspace workspace = webContentService.getRepository().getWorkspace("portal:service/wcm/WebContentService");"XXX","YYY");
String names[] = workspace.getMemberNames();for(int i=0;i<names.length;i++){
Step 4: doView() method will have code as follows which will redirect page to respective jsp.
PortletRequestDispatcher rd = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(
rd.include(request,response);Step 5: Export war file from your IDE and import on portal page. Select the the portlet for the page on manage pages option of portal.
Step 6 : click the page created on portal and see the output.
InitialContext ctx =
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