
Showing posts from 2012

Worklight in Limelight

This product is new and hot in mobile application developement. Worklight is based on apache Codova for mobile app developement. Based on the same notion of java i.e. build once and run anywhere. This time it is for mobile world.. Write for one platform and run on any other plaform. this could be android, iOS or BB. Download V 5.0 free from IBM site and start mobile app development...... you also need ADT, SDK and emulator for the android  testing or XCODE for iPHONE.

Enterprise application on Appliance

IBM reduced the work deployment by introducing puresystem. PureFlex PureApplication Pure data If you use PureApplication then VApp simply let user to drop ear on the appliance and the appliance takes care of deplyment process and also elastic caching and HA. In case you wanna do the process by yourself then use vCustom instead of VApp. Great work......

Bootstrap dojo in Portal Development

 The Dojo bootstrap, dojo.js , should only be included once in an HTML page. Following way you can create 1. Define one jsp file say dojoLoadedOnce.jsp: 2. Write conditional code as follows <script type="text/javascript"> var bootstrap_path = "<%=request.getContextPath() %>/dojo/dojo.js"; if(typeof dojo=="undefined") { document.write('<S'); document.write('CRIPT type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"'); document.write(bootstrap_path); document.write('\" ><\/S'); document.write('CRIPT>'); } </script> 3. Like traditional method include this jsp in portal jsp file. <jsp:include page="/dojoLoadedOnce.jsp" /> This will make sure dojo bootstrap included once in html.

Integrating email server

In order to integrate open email server with the software you can follow the following : 1. hmailserver is the open email sever provided which can be easily integrated with your software. Download the latest exe file and install. Check for the port 25 using telnet in case of port clashing. 2. Secondly you can use the roundcube as client to view and do various stuff with your server account. 3. Apply the server setting with the product with which you want to integrate e.g. jboss portal, liferay etc... 4. Thats it.

Display Member Names from WCM on jsp file

Following is a very simple example of using wcp api. Especially for beginners Step 1: Create Porlet project. e.g. Using portlet feature of  RAD 8.0 Step 2: Create Portlet and and a jsp file which will use the wcm api to fetch all the member names. Step3: jsp file will contain wcm related code lines like follows which is self explanatory: i.e. use jndi to have lookup for the service ( its a common way of getting any service may be PUMA, etc ) and use it. NOTE: in order to avoid the compilation error for wcm api, the jar (ilwwcm-api.jar ) has to be in classpath of project. new InitialContext(); WebContentService webContentService = (WebContentService) ctx.lookup( "mywcm.jsp" ); Workspace workspace = webContentService.getRepository().getWorkspace( "portal:service/wcm/WebContentService" ); "XXX" , "YYY" ); String names[] = workspace. getMemberNames() ; for ( int i=0;i<names.length;i++){   out.println(names[i]); } Step 4:  doView() ...

WAR file Exception- NoModuleFileException

NoMOduleFileException: I could resolved this exception in one of my assignments. The issue was coming after migrating the code base from RAD 7.0 to RAD 7.5 and appliyng fix pack for new version of JSF and richfaces. If you export the enterprise project and try to import in new version of RAD there is a possibility you lend up with noModuleFoundException. Steps to resolve: 1. Goto .seting folder and check the component file. 2. Open the #1 file and check for the entry in it for war file. 3. Probabily the entry is no correct. e.g. archive name is missing. 4. Correct the entry and re-run the project and issue will be resolved. Also you can try add / remove project opening the application.xml in design mode.