
Polkadot programming - development using node template

  Polkadot - Substrate development Step by Step Following commands will work on macOS... Good luck This steps are for starting single node at backend and starting front end to explore ( e.g. transfer fund from one account to another) ----start---- Install Homebrew /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" Install opensssl brew update && brew install openssl Install Rust and RustToolchain curl -sSf | sh source ~/.cargo/env rustup default stable rustup update rustup update nightly rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly verify installation by  rustc --version rustup show Prepare a Substrate node using the node template Setup node template. Its a  provides a working development environment so that you can start building on Substrate right away. git clone cd substrate-node-template # We want to use th

Some awesome Unix / Linux commands

How to open binary file in "vi" in hex mode    $ vi test.dat then in vi command mode type ( this may take few seconds) :%!xxd if you need to exit type :%!xxd -r dd command: To backup the entire hard disk:  $ dd if = /dev/sda of = /dev/sdb if  is the Input file of is the output file To copy testfile.dat file to small_testfile.dat $ dd if=testfile.dat of=small_testfile.dat bs=1000 count=1  if  is the Input file of is the output file bs number of byes/blocks copied <count> number of times i.e 1 How to open home directly on  Windows Subsystem for Linux ? $  explorer.exe . Don't leave out the "."

What comes after microservice????

Monolithic-> microservices->Function-As-A-Service/ Serverless->Multi Runtime / Mecha Architecture

Qlik Sense Important Links

Qlik Sense learning Qlik sense pricing Qlik Sense Server Installation Document preview of Qlik Sense Server Installation Step By Step Guide.pdf Support Portal Qlik FIPS Support FIPS mode is not supported out of the box for Qlik Sense, QlikView, and Qlik NPrinting. Workarounds exist for NPrinting and Sense.  For general information about FIPS and Microsoft's statement around it, see  Microsoft's Security Guidance blog.

The idea of ‘Everything as Code’ (EaC) is emerging across each layer of the stack

writing infrastructure as software, where everything is expressed with code   Infrastructure as a code - Terraform Environment as Code - docker / Vagrant Configuration as Code Ansible /Puppet/Chef Date Pipelines as Code - Apache Airflow Security Configuration as Code - Checkov Encryption Management as Code - AWS KMS / Hashi Vault

AWS Rout53 NS records do not match with whois dns records OR Your site NOT working with registered domain name? Check this...

  Log in to your AWS web console Select Route53 service Select Hosted Zones in the left pane Select domain name (but do not click on the domain name, just select the radio button) Notice the 4 name servers in the right pane. Next, go to domain registrar site (in your case stay in Route53), log in and configure name servers for your domain. In Route53: select 'Registered domains' in the left pane, click on your domain name, verify that in the upper right you have name servers from step 5, if they don't exactly match, click 'Add/Edit Name servers' and enter name servers from step 5) After this you will receive email on your registered email id with AWS. Once the sync os done you will get notified. After notification you can try your ULR <some-name>.com or www.<some-name>.com "A" records created during route 53